My blog won the Best Indi Foodblog Award at Indibloggies !!
And I owe it to all of you who voted :) I was thrilled to even find my blog put up for nominations among so many fantastic blogs and..., to win the title...its just fabulous! This year is ending on a very sweet note, and I have you to thank for this one :)
I started this space with the thought of sharing my kitchen experimentations. The ones where I was following the instructions my mom gave over the phone and hoping that the dish would atleast be palatable :D I did not know who my audience was. All my friends were starting up blogs, I was too shy to write a personal blog and so food was a perfect foil to get me started :) It has come a long way since then, and love it :)
I've met many wonderful people through their blogs, made friends not just in fellow bloggers but a few readers too. And it may not be too far fetched to say that it may have had a teeeeny weeeny bit in bringing me my life partner :D I am thankful to you guys for all of this and much more! Its been great so far, and I hope to share many more recipes and stories with you in the future :)
Happy Holidays!
P.S: My family and I, thank you for all the lovely wishes sent our way through your comments in the previous post.