During Christmas vacation, my friends and I would create hand made greeting cards for the Sisters at the convent and go to school on Christmas day to give them the cards and get loads of goodies in exchange. I now think we had a couple of very close family friends who celebrated Christmas, that meant more cards and tons of goodies. Each had their own specialty, one made the best fruit cake, another churned out the most flavorful and crunchy rose cookies and ginger ale...another made a sweet whose name I don't quite remember now.... On the whole we had about 5 families in the neighborhood and there was the convent.
The whole day was packed visiting each house, ooh'ing and aah'ing at the decorations and eagerly waiting for the sweet treats. Looking back, I have to admit, the best part of the day would be the smile on their faces when they saw our cards and were touched that we made it ourselves and hand-delivered it to them...
The celebrations at school would begin at the start of December with competitions for the best Christmas play and carol singing. If I remember correctly, my group one the first prize during my last year at school. And it was not plain vocal singing, we would have a guitarist and some music playing in the background too. So with all those years of carol singing I know quite a few of them and love listening to them even now.
Another fabulous thing about Christmas was the aroma of fresh fruit cake wafting out of every little bakery on the road. It is just impossible to stay away from them, even if you were the most staunch non-believer of the festival.
Christmas here in the US is all the more beautiful, with the snow laden trees and houses, the magic spreads into everything you do. The stores are all decked up, everyone makes the extra effort to beautify things around them. People in general are in high spirits & you are enveloped in a feeling of goodness and cheer all through the month. (Well, I am going to keep the issue of Food TV and gift stores going totally overboard with things, just to keep the cheer going on !! )
Now if you are wondering about the photographs, we have a potluck luncheon on our floor today at office and I made some Kalakhand. I wanted to make something Indian and I was juggling between Rasgulla and Kalakhand and decided on the later cos its easier to eat at a potluck. I wrapped each one in plastic wrap and due to the fever I've caught, I tied a little bow with red and white threads. I placed them on the table this morning and have been getting compliments ever since. Yayyyy !! Not many could place the cardamom in the sweet and were left wondering how it was made, and what was that mysteriously good flavor...ummmm I also added some saffron this time, giving it the pretty yellow color (Manisha, thanks for asking !) (Now you know why the whole post is overflowing in goodness ...hehehe)
Merry Christmas !