Its been a while since I treated my blog to a new post. The past month has seen major changes in my life and totally forced me to neglect this space. As most of you already know, I am a student and have been on a job hunt the last few months. The hunt came to an end a couple of weeks back sending me up to Cloud 9 :) Yayyyy !!! I am eagerly looking forward to the work life and am equally scared too :) I've never lived by myself, managing everything on my own in a totally strange place with no one around. Graduate school was just like picnic. We were a bunch of strangers who met up before we got to the US and went on to become a very close knit group now. We hardly felt homesick, in-fact we had our parents complaining about it ! When we left home the first time, we were filled with child-like enthusiasm and busy getting to know each other and the new place. The second time we left home after a vacation, we were eager to meet each other to share stories and were also looking forward to the 13hr stop-over at the beach resort in Sri Lanka :)) ( not that we din't see each other when we were in Hyd :D) So its been fun all the way.
This is going to be the real test of courage for me ! It will be really interesting to see myself do things the right way.. inspite of being all alone that is :)) The posts are going to be a spaced out for a few more weeks. Moving yet again and settling down is going to take awhile. Wish me luck guys, I really need it !
... and now I need help !! I need to furnish the whole apartment now. I need you guys to suggest things I could buy and where I can find them too. Anything and everything starting from the Living room furniture to the Kitchen. Especially the kitchen !!
What gadgets must I buy, the crockery, what utensils will I need.
Do I buy a teflon coated saucepan set or a stainless steel one or a cast iron ??
There are a lot more Q's, but I hope you catch the drift :D so go ahead and add your comments. I am counting on the vast experience that you have out there, so please come forth with your advice and suggestions.
P.S: A huge Thank you to all of you who left comments here inquiring about me. You guys surely nudged me out of my absence. The inertia had set in and you guys did a great job of kicking me out of it :)) >>Hugs<<